Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Critics Love Abraham Tribesky, Psychiatrist to Deceased Hollywood Stars

     Here’s just a sampling of what reviewers are saying about his shocking new ebook Michael Jackson is Being Harassed in Heaven (Kindle $2.99).

     There's not much I can really say about this book other than it's a totally hilarious and innovative look into the worlds of celebrities and the paranormal. I mean Patrick Swayze is having women trouble in Heaven, ghosts are going on strike, a guy gets decapitated by a vinyl record…even Michael Jackson can't catch a break…who wouldn't love that?
--Andrea Allison, Ghost Stories blog

     I think the author is freaking HILARIOUS! He is one of the most clever writers I have ever seen...I think Peter Fenton (the author's real name) will one be HUGE! He's just too freaking funny!
--Courtney Mroch, Haunt Jaunts (

     Dr. Abraham Tribesky proclaims himself to be a psychiatrist to deceased
Hollywood stars, and has penned a book entitled "Michael Jackson is Being Harassed in Heaven". Compiling my website Ghost Investigators has meant quite a lot of online trawling through the weird and wonderful. I tend to think I have seen and heard it all, but occasionally something so outlandish and ridiculous crops up and reminds me that I haven't.
Dave, Ghost Investigators blog

About the book:

     Michael Jackson is Being Harassed in Heaven exposes the tabloid-worthy lifestyles and outrageous opinions of Dr. Tribesky’s famous patients from the Other Side. Not to mention how these egocentric spirits hassle living celebs and ordinary folks alike. In dozens of shocking stories like:

*Lady Gaga’s CDs Torched in Rock ‘n Roll Heaven.

*Karen Carpenter Blasts Brittany Murphy: “No Fatties Allowed on the Other Side!”

*Sinatra’s Frank Advice for Justin Bieber.

*Same Ghost Appears in 20 Episodes of Paranormal State!

*DJ Decapitates Fan with Flying Vinyl.

     Says Dr. Tribesky**, “I have issued Michael Jackson… as an electronic tome in order to reach a more open-minded audience than the backwards traditionalists still desperately clinging to their precious wooden books published by sawmills. It’s available now on Kindle for $2.99.

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